Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass
Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass

Garfield Clinger in 18th Birthday Glass

Regular price $28.00 Sale

Remember the commemorative glasses you would get for your 18th or 21st  displayed on a satin base like it is well fancy . 

This one has a Garfield clinger inside it . He is in immaculate condition bright and clean he has obviously spent the last circa 40 years inside this box . Removed by us for photographic purposes only. 

The box has not faired so Well , its all a bit bashed up obviously spent a fair bit of time under a load of other treasures in the back of a loft 

The glass has 18th birthday printed on it.